Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing


  1. Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing Numbers
  2. Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing Key
  3. Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing Word
  4. Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing Persons

Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing Numbers

How to Install Microsoft Date & Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP4) In the posting “ Insert a Drop Down Calendar Menu In Excel – Choose a Date! ” one of the steps requires that you select the Microsoft Date & Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP4). Scroll down the list in the Additional Controls dialog until you find Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0 (the version number might be different depending on your version of Microsoft Office) and check the box next to its name, then click OK to close the dialog. You will see that a button for the new control has been added to the toolbox. Scroll down and select Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) or Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0 (SP6) then click OK. When you are out of Design Mode, clicking on the DTPicker control is like this, while the MonthView takes more space.

Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing Key

Harry Flashman

Active Member

Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing Word


Microsoft Monthview Control 6 0 Excel 2013 Missing Persons

I am working my way through the exercises in a book called Excel 2010 Programming by Example with VBA, XML and ASP.
I am at chapter 19: Creating Custom forms
The first exercise is too create a user form with the ActiveX Date and Time Picker Control.
This control has to be added to the control toolbox from the Additional Control menu - specifically the Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0. There are many check boxes for additional controls, but this particular control is not listed.
Apparently a file MSCOMCT2.OCX needs to be registered. I found this file in the folder C:WindowsSysWOW64and registered using the instructions I found at this site:
Access 2010 Datepicker control missing
These were the instructions:
Go to StartAll ProgramsAccessories.
* Right-click Command Prompt and then click on Run As Administrator.
* Change directory to the folder where you extracted the files. For example, type the following and then press Enter: cd c:windowssystem32
* Type the following and then press Enter: regsvr32 mscomct2.ocx
* You should get a message saying this succeeded.
I now have this file in box the WindowsSystem32 folder and the WindowsSysWOW64 and I have registered both, but it still does not show up as an additional control that I can select.
As I mentioned WindowsSysWOW64 already had this file so I downloaded another file from a link suggested in the book:
... and then installed that in WindowsSystem32.
I also have Excel 2010 64 bit installed on my computer but that does not have the Microsoft Date and Time Picker either.
Has anyone else been through this process and know what to do? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.